sustainable puppetmaking Practices for all
In 2023 Marrionette puppetmaking was added to the Heritage Craft Associations’ Red List of endangered crafts.
This means that sharing in the craft of puppetmaking is now more important than ever!
In line with our general creative ethos, our workshops explore sustainable puppetmaking practices. Below are a list of workshop concepts which have previously proven very succesful, however bespoke concept can also be generated if you would like a workshop to align with a particular theme or intended group. We aim to avoid taking a superficial approach where possible and always strive to cover a creatively educational basis within each workshop. No simple sock puppets here! Instead, each workshop serves as an introduction to the fundementals of puppetmaking and strives to inspire the next generation of potential future craftspeople.
Bottle Jellyfish
Our bottle jellyfish workshop was designed for older participants and involved the creation of a mechanised jellyfish rod puppet from plastic bags, wire and an old water bottle! Exploring both the fundementals of mechanisms, puppetry movement and sustainable practices.
Scrap Bats
By far one of our most popular workshops, Scrap Bats is the perfect kid friendly puppetmaking workshop which guides participants through the steps to create a charming bat marionnette from entirely recycled materials! With a focus on colourful design, this workshop demonstrates how a highly effective puppet can be crafted entirely from household scraps!
Fish Lanterns
Our fish lanterns workshop takes a look at a more traditional puppetmaking approach exploring the craftsmanship of willow lantern making. With special wooden jigs, assistance is given to craft the basic instantly recognizable fish shape. After that, the only limit is your imagination to create all manner of beautiful fish creations in this heritage craft process.

Interested in puppetmaking workshops for your organisation or space?
Lets talk!